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Travel Portal
We Developed Web, Android & iOs travel fares comparison search engine and integrating more than 500 API’s where system compares rates of all those…
Warning: Undefined variable $grid_offset_class in /home2/marketol/public_html/wp-content/themes/ohio/taxonomy-ohio_portfolio_category.php on line 170
Online Butchery
We developed eCommerce butchery application; with Android, iOs & Web client interfaces; along with Android & iOs delivery team apps and web admin panel.
Warning: Undefined variable $grid_offset_class in /home2/marketol/public_html/wp-content/themes/ohio/taxonomy-ohio_portfolio_category.php on line 170
Community App
We Developed gated communities application with standard social features (mentions, timeline, events, etc…) along with facility management features (visitors, maintenance, etc…)